Pieces as unique as you
Supplies for beautiful jewlery dont't need to be bought brand new. From old bones found in the backyard to Mom's old necklace from QVC, I believe that each piece I make is much more beautiful when it has a story behind it.
Meet The Creator

From Bottlecaps to Bones
It has always been a dream of mine to open my own business. It started when my dad bought this vintage soda machine that was FULL of bottle caps. I asked if I could have them so that I could turn them into earrings. After I got the hang of things and made my first sale to my friend at school for $5 I was hooked. Eventually I ran out of bottlecaps, and by then I was in high school. Life got really fast after that and I wasnt able to keep up with the hobby I once loved. Flash forward 7 years, and I get a message from a coworker. She said that her and her fiancé had found lots and lots of animal bones on the propery they had just bought. Then, the lightbulb. Being the morbidly curious person I am, I questioned, "could I turn them into jewlery?" And thats exactly what I did. The gears started turning, and I started teaching myself how to use many more items than just bottle caps. I'm so happy to be doing what I love again, and can't wait to see what the future brings.